New State School Accountability Website Showcases Academic Growth in GGUSD

Student raising his hand in class.

The California School Dashboard, the state’s new school performance and accountability website launched earlier this month, showcases several areas of positive academic growth for Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD) students. The tool is designed to provide multiple measures of school success, and replaces the more narrowly-defined Academic Performance Index (API) which was suspended three years ago. 

The dashboard displays five color-coded performance levels with GGUSD ranking green, the second highest rating, for graduation rates, English Language Arts and Mathematics scores for third through eighth grades, and suspension rates. 

The Dashboard shows GGUSD’s graduation rate at 92.7% - a 2.8% increase from the previous year. Overall, it shows students’ English Language Arts scores increased by 14.3 points, and math scores increased by 16.2 points. Additionally, the district’s suspension rate is 2.1%, a 0.7% decline from the previous year. 

“The data released in this new online tool demonstrates that our steadfast commitment to academic success is producing real results,” said Lan Nguyen, GGUSD Board of Education President. “We will continue to monitor the new metrics and ensure that our instructional strategies are meeting the needs of all students.” 

The Dashboard was launched as a communication tool aligned to California’s school accountability system based on the Local Control Funding Formula enacted in 2013. The California Department of Education announced that the initial website launch is a field test of an early model that will be fully-implemented in 2017-18 after making adjustments based on feedback from the education community and parents. More information can be found at